
Seize the New Opportunities in China-India Strategic Cooperation

the Indian Council of World Affairs    印度世界事务委员会

the warm reception and thoughtful arrangements    热情周到的安排

have friendly, candid, and fruitful talks and meetings   进行友好、坦诚、富有成效的会谈会见

there are positive commentaries in international media    国际舆论也给予积极评价

achieve common development    共同发展

be a true blessing for    ......之福

foster new bright spot of Asian cooperation    培育亚洲合作新亮点

shy away from    回避

flood-season hydrological information    汛期水文资料

take... to a new high    推动......迈上一个新台阶

have launched a new agenda for...    启动了......新议程

be a new launch pad for...    开启.....的新起点  

a BCIM Economic Corridor    孟中印缅经济走廊

create a bigger market and greater synergy for development   推动形成更大的市场和发展合力

offer hearty congratulations on...    ......表示由衷祝贺

Commonalities coexist with diversity.    共同性和多样性相伴而生。

be on the rise    日益崛起

boast a distinct civilization    文明各具特色

add radiance to the other    交相辉映

the cream of history    历史的精华

deep-seated problems    深层问题

brim with fresh vitality    焕发生机

create new splendors    再创辉煌

the complementarity and connection of our two big markets    两大市场互补对接

unleash new potential for development    释放新的发展潜能

blow up    爆满

has a competitive edge in    ......具有优势

inject new dynamism into...    ......注入新的动力

create a new paradigm of...    开创......的新格局

China and India should not seek cooperation from afar with a ready partner at hand 中印合作不用舍近求远。   

bring tangible benefits to    带来了实实在在的利益

reinvigorate the country   振兴国家

Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence    和平共处五项原则

deliver increasingly better lives to…    改善民生

market-oriented reforms    市场化改革

create greater impetus for…    形成……强大动力

play our due rule for…    发挥应有作用

intensify cooperation with    密切与合作

enhance mutual understanding, dispel misgivings    加强理解,增信释疑

practical cooperation    务实合作

step up cooperation in…    促进……的合作

launch negotiations with    启动……的谈判

cultural and people-to-people exchanges    人文交流

be well liked    广受欢迎

注:《把握中印战略合作新机遇》摘录自Beijing Review No.29 (July 18, 2013)
